A 28mm USMC squad, from Warlord Games. They are their plastic marines and they are very good, I liked building and painting them.
Still from warlord...
I finished their SPQR/Rome character box. Titus Pullo, Lucius Vorenus, Caesear, Gneus Pompeius Magnus, Marcus Antonius, et Lucius Licinius Crassus. Actually only Caesar and Anthony have been done in the week... but group pictures turned up nice!
Still in Rome...
Agema miniatures republican Romans. One sprue, thus two hastati, two principes, one Triarius. Shield transfers from Battle Flag, not as good as LBMS...
And now let's change scale...
6mm Cold War, a soviet naval infantry tank battalion for FFT/MSH with an attached rifle company. All from Heroic and Ros. The BTR-70 are traditional sculpts, bought before the change in management, and I have to say that even older sculpts now look crisper. They were leftover I had and received a repaint to put them in line with my current productions. The T-55AM2 are quite recent and accordingly impressive.
And then some ships... 1/3000 Navwar (except the Kaga, Skytrex). They are for a friend, but I cannot mail anything until the end of the quarantine.
See you again soon, and next Monday another update!
Fantastic work - Sov tanks are epic!