and here is part 2 (complete project) of my 15mm US Army Cavalry Platoon. M8 Greyhounds from Forged in Battle, Jeeps from Battlefront.
Here is a close up of a single patrol group.
But I cannot just stop at a single platoon so I have some attachments...
Close up of two of them. I really like them. They are very nice models, and, differently from their recent cousins the M3 very easy to put together... with the exception of the turret hatches that were a pain to cut. Tthey are split, but PSC has them in a single piece that, if you want to represent them open, have to cut by yourself in two. It was a pain and I ended up botching one attempt, and having only one TC around...
But this is not the end... I do not play only 1 to 1 vehicles rules, but also a bit larger ones... so my platoon for Battlegroup or IASBM can become a full troop for Battlefront WW2:
With the simple addition of an HQ vehicle (a battlefront M8), and, in this specific case a reinforced troop with a platoon (two sections, one model equal two or three real vehicles) of M5 light tanks.
Finally... by the end of 1944 the shortcomings of the Stuart were pretty much evident to everyone, friend or foe, so something new was trickling to the units...
The M-24 light tank. Faster, better armored, and with a 75mm gun derived from the one used on the B-25G...
Two old Battlefront models (when the M-24 were sold in blister and not in the platoon box), resin of course. So you had plastic and resin in the same post!
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