Bloody Normandy,
44 is a… game on the battle of Normandy. One standard map, two sheets of 5/8”
counters. The game has been edited by a
French publisher both in French and English (but the English rules are poorly
translated, the translator had simply forgotten some key elements…). It covers the
battle for Normandy from 6 June 1944 to end of August. This is a barebones introduction of a rather
interesting game. Before discussing the
component as I am used to do I want to point out that this game is not a new
one. It is a second, expanded, edition of a game included in Vae Victis
Magazine several years ago. Said that it is a really expanded edition with
bigger map, more (and die cut oppose to mount and cut yourself) counters and
several revised mechanics. After a long dithering I ordered it last July, just
in time to refight the bloody summer of 1944 70 years later.
We are about to land in France... |
you open the ziplock you end up with colour rules, a really nice map and
counters, and a quite sturdy play aid. The map is definitely pleasant and has
really big hexagon. It is also clear and well laid out with a lot of helpful
things around, like landing boxes and a big turn track with space for
renforcements. The counters in my copy,
were a bit difficult to remove from the frame, but rather pleasant. You have a
mix of NATO and German symbols and division patches to identify the units.
Units vary in size from full divisions to some battalions.
rules are a mixed bag, the French ones are fine, the English translation
included in the bag is not. Noe even the English update is at the same level of
the French version. I do not know if this is a problem with the translator
(rumoured to be Charles Vasey... this will explain a lot of things Addenda: the final version of the translation is not his work), or just an
effect of time pressure, but there are several inconsistencies and omissions.
Probably the English version of the rules is the biggest let down. Of course I
know French and can use the original rules, but the game is advertised in an
English edition so... ok complain aside the rules are quite logical. Everything
is covered, from airpower to ships (albeit in an abstract fashion). The focus
of the game is land warfare. Turns are divided in two halves (thus being in
effect only 3.5 days long). They have provision for reserves and exploitation.
Supply plays a key role, you need to spend supplies to attack, thus showing the
importance of the logistical build up.
think the logistic section is where the game really shines. you need to
stockpile supplies to get thing moving, (supplied HQ modify the initiative
roll), but you need to spend supplies (attacks) to use this
"movement" to do something useful. There are also little tricks there
and here. An HQ can have only 2 Offensive (supply) markers. You spend one for
each combat phase. Each turn will have two combat phases per player (plus you
can spend these offensives also to provide defensive support). Seems quite
straight forward... but is not, sometime you have the ability to perform an
exploitation immeditialy after your combat, but you need to spend the offensive
marker to have a second combat thus, first you have to have two... second the
HQ will be done for the turn. Also supplied HQ can provide offensive support
for one (and only one) combat. Will yuo have a lot of supplied HAQ, maybe with
only one marker each to provide more supports... or concentrate your supplies
in few to provide more offensive push? Of course... offensive markers are in
reasonably short supply anyway...
Cotentin Close up |
and combat are quite straightforward, with some interesting airdrop and landing
rules and off map movement and combat to represent the larger theatre of
operations (a plus in my eyes).
from the poor writing in rules one thing that has not persuaded me was the
stacking value of some units and the stacking limits. They simply does not make
sense… a British independent tank
brigade with three battalions is 3 stacking points, ok one SP per battalion…
but a full British infantry division is also 3…. Does this sounds right to you? More to the
point, in the rules the maximum stacking point per hex is 5, thus you cannot
attach a tank brigade to an infantry division to support it during an assault.
Well the independent tank brigades were designed to do just that. This frankly
does not makes any sense. Also because a full standard US Armoured division is
also 3 stacking points, thus with three tan battalions, three armoured infantry
battalions, Recon, artillery and so on…
If you then look at the German panzer division
you will discover that each of their regiments/battalions is only 1 stacking
point… thus because each German Panzer Division is represented in the game by 4
counters (2 Panzer Abteilung and two panzer grenadier regiments) you have them
at 4 points.. thus 6 Germans battalions (with their attached reconnaissance,
artillery, panzerjaeger, and pioneers occupy just 25% more space than three
British Tank battalions. Not his does not make any sense. It is the same with the
two “heavy” US armoured divisions. Again stacking values do not make any sense.
IF I can cram a whole panzer divisions and at least something else in an hex I
can do also the same with the 2nd and 3rd armoured. In my
last play I just upped stacking limits to 6 per hex and thing worked a bit
better… with the caveat you cannot put two full infantry divisions in a single
hex. I think that 5 stacking point is reasonable if you reduced the independent
tank brigades and the Heavy combat command to 1 stacking point. Anyway this is
the major design issue in Normandie 44. One that Eric Teng, the designer, has
to address and explain.
I have told you I like the graphic, got a headache with the rules, and have
some problems with some of the design decisions. But what I made of the game
overall? Well after I ditched the English version of the rules and switched to
the original one, after I made my own interpretations of the (few at that
point) unclear rules and decided to consider the stacking points for the tank
brigades just 1... I was able to play the game reasonably smoothly and was
given a quite nice experience in return.
is a lot of elements to like in Normandie 44. The first good point is
represented by the combat system. I already mentioned the supply factors, but
there are more nuances. You have elite units, and you can have air and naval
support. I like the ability of allied airpower not only to support combat, but
to make retreats more difficult. Even more I like the wat combat results are
used. There is a combination of permanent step losses, and temporary
disruptions. The temporary results gave much more granularity to division sized
counters. You can see attacking forces
slowly deteriorate and defending forces collapsing and the utility for
rotations in and out of the main line. Of coruse there are replacements points
(and usually these things have been always dealt with replacements rate) but...
but recycling whole divisions on and off the dead pile in weeks always seemed
artificial. Here you pull units away from the line, rest them, and put them
back. I know people nowadays are often all hyped up about results, but
something showing processes is indeed important.
key are doing rather well is the replacement system. Allied units have infinite
replacements, you just pull out of the line, and absorb replacement,
replacements for the German side are more hapzard, and few. This perfectly
captures the big dilemma the German command faced. It was easy to send unit to
Normandy, not so easy to keep them operational once there. While the Allies can
take losses and, if given time, be back in full strength, the German army
cannot take too many casualties each turn before holes develops. If the process
continues unabated sooner or later simple holes will be replaced with gaping
ones and the flow of allied forces will start. Yet the German has to keep some
form of pressure because he needs to slow down the enemy... trade off.
The British Beaches, look at the German tactical symbols! |
conclusion… well in conclusion Normandie 44 is an excellent game marred by a
subpar rule set, an awful translation (again, if Charles is the responsible of
that debacle I would understand a lot of things… Addenda repeated: he was not responsible), and a couple of quirk points.
Yet it is an excellent game that allows you to explore the campaign in
reasonable detail and in a reasonably short time frame. The critical elements
of the campaign, namely the bloody stalemated in June and July, the sudden
manoeuvre phase in August, and, finally, the race between German and Allied
reinforcements are extremely well captured.
The casualty system is eminently successful in representing the severe
attrition of the battle and the ability of the Allies to over-replace the
Important Note: I have been told that Charles Vasey has nothing to do with the final translated version despite the rumours. so I apologize for my bad guess. Yet I stand by my comments that his rulebooks are not so user friendly and I want also to point out that the same shady figure of our hobby, instead of explaining the situation, sent me two e-mail calling me little shit... go figure. Of course I will never buy a game designed from him again.
Important Note: I have been told that Charles Vasey has nothing to do with the final translated version despite the rumours. so I apologize for my bad guess. Yet I stand by my comments that his rulebooks are not so user friendly and I want also to point out that the same shady figure of our hobby, instead of explaining the situation, sent me two e-mail calling me little shit... go figure. Of course I will never buy a game designed from him again.
Yo Chico, sorry to rain on your parade but although I translated the originals this version is not mine. In May 2013 Eric Teng wrote to say "As you might have noticed, the game has not been released, as I wanted to correct and improve it! I have made a new version, witch is quite different..". You might want to correct your errors.
ReplyDeleteWell, if you said that before calling me little shit... I would have done... now... well readers deserve honesty anyway.