Saturday was another decent days so I was able to take pictures, and the first Sherman V platoon of the Irish Guard is here for your perusal.
Anyway back to the models. Basically you get five Shermans with two options per Sherman: 75mm gun or 17 pdr gun. You have two different hull and two different turrets. As usual for PSC tanks they fit together very easily and building them is a pleasure. As you can see from the pictures the level of detail is high.
Again, as usual when PSC is concerned, I cannot fault them for anything. Ok, I could have complained about having only basic stowage, but it is not too bad.
Here you can see the details of the added stowage.
Here it is even better (and with better focus). The decals are from PSC too. They are quite easy to work with, but... well I have a complain. The tactical markings are not soo many. They seems to have been designed more for Rapid Fire than for 1 to 1 representation and leave you a bit short of specific Squadron markings. As an additional note... when I was placing the tanks back in their shelves my inattention caused a potential disaster... by sheer bumbling (shades of one of my literary alter egos, Major Bumblejones...) I had one of the tanks falling to the floor. I was about to scream in horror (and then cry). No need, being plastic the tanks was completely safe, not even chipping on the paint...
One last parting shot!
Beside the 4 Shermans in that photo shoot I also took out an oldie. A Quick Reaction Force Achilles tank destroyer. you know my relationships with QRF, some of the models are excellent, some not so much. The Achilles is on the plus side. It comes with crew and has some stowage already casted on. The HMG is a bit poor, but the model itself is crisp and nice, if a bit plain (no big rivets!).
I put it ona spare Kerr and King base I had at the time because it was an one off model and I wanted to add some personality.
See you for the next post...
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