Tuesday, 25 February 2020

US Navy Cruisers

I am not dead,

news of my departure are a bit premature... despite having seen my dentist too much recently... that and a general bout of sourness toward online wargame communities. I complained about facebook, but even fora are starting to look stale, annoying, and basically pointless. Being still alive, I am also able to show something here. Recently I found myself painting several US Navy ships I have... no particular reason, just wanted to paint some.  They are Navwar 1/3000 metal model bought 3 years ago.

Vincennes, Astoria, Helena, Boise. I am working on US ships deployed in the South Pacific Area in 1942.  The Astoria... is in the wrong camouflage. Should have been in Measure 22, but ended up in Measure 12Mod. Why? I was sure to be painting the Quincy! And the base was already labelled and 'watered'... even geniuses make mistakes, especially when they are still relying from medicines...

I think I am finally satisfied with my water technique.

As for the miniatures themselves... I like Navwar models. They are not detailed as the 1/3000 plastic ones from Fujimi, or some in FUD from shapeways, but the former are limited to Japanese ships for the moment, the latter.. well Shapeways had messed so much with prices that now only smaller scales are reasonably priced, and only if the designer prepare them in groups. Navwar are not bad at all, they have detail, and, the price is still reasonable. So they are a win-win combination for my USN force.